Do You Have a Calling?

do you have a calling

There are three categories of people in the workforce:

  1. Those who have a job, like the agent at a rental car agency; these people are working for their paycheque.
  2. Those who have a career, for example, the rental car agent who becomes the location manager. These people are driven by their career success (which usually comes along with a higher paycheque and higher social status).
  3. Those who have a calling; these people are driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to be of service to others, regardless of the size of the paycheque.

Which category are you? Which would you like to be?

It is entirely possible to be in all three categories at once, but most people get out of bed and go to work for one primary reason; the rest is secondary.

In this video you’ll meet one woman who I’ll bet sees herself in all three categories at once. She went from not being in the workforce at all to getting a job. Once she got a roof over her head and some groceries in the fridge, she started a career (with no more than Grade 9 math!). She then found she had a clear calling.

Now wouldn’t it be nice if, at the very least, we all had a calling? Or better yet, if our job and/or career was an outlet for our calling?

I suspect the world would be a happier place. I imagine that we would all be a little less self-centred. We would all wake up with a sense of purpose. And wouldn’t that make you feel highly motivated to start your day and be at your best?

I am one hundred percent certain that, with the right support and guidance, it is possible for all of us to choose a calling and follow up on it.

The only difference is the frequency and intensity of the support needed. Some of us require mental health supports, others just need a supportive friend. A life coach can help a person identify their calling and perk up their self-confidence.  A universal basic income would make it even easier for all, but the vast majority of us are only a few steps away from jumping out of bed with a true sense of purpose. All you need to do is uncover your deepest values to understand what matters most to you, and tap into your innate creativity to act from a place of curiosity and boundless resilience.

I know, I know…it sounds easier than it really is. But if this is something you wish to explore, consider attending the Toronto Change Days and while there, don’t miss out on the opportunity to have a Coffee Date with your Future Self (and me!)


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