Getting Creative with Online Course Development


Online course development is exciting work, and we’re celebrating!

After four and a half months of instructional design and script editing, extensive collaboration with an excellent videographer and a very flexible graphic designer, along with tapping into the extensive talents of our go-to techie and an assortment of online tools, I am happy to report that our clients are launching their first online course: Parenting Up.

It’s been a true pleasure to work with Mark and Ismet from to co-create their online course. Parenting Up is comprised of seven modules, each containing a series of micro lessons and exercises that support parents in creating their own solutions to the parenting challenges that arise in the day-to-day.

Parenting Up is not a prescriptive course. Ismet and Mark do not give parenting advice. As they put it, “We are not the experts on your family. We don’t know your goals or your challenges. We certainly don’t know the personalities involved. Therefore it makes no sense for us to give you parenting advice. We believe that you have the answers within you and this course provides you with the means to discover them. You bring all the key ingredients: your expert knowledge, your motivation and your vision. We provide you with the tools that you can use to create new solutions every time you are presented with new challenges.”

Similarly, as online course developers, we are not the content experts. We do not create courses for our clients, we co-develop courses with our clients. We work this way because we know the best products are the result of good collaborations.

Our clients are the content experts as well as the experts on who their audience is.

We bring our expertise in the process of innovation, instructional design and online tools.

Together, we translate expertise into an engaging online learning experience. The format of this experience changes depending on what you want to teach and who you want to teach it to.

We at NeOlé are committed to the creation of courses that have a positive impact on humanity. We are committed to creating opportunities for lifelong learning. Our goal is to support authors, entrepreneurs, coaches and mission-drive organizations who want to share their transformational knowledge with people around the world.

If you have knowledge, transformational tips or skills that you have already shared in the form of a book, eBook, blog, a webinar or a live training, consider creating an online course!

Other online courses we have co-developed include:

Learn more about our online course development services or contact us today with your ideas!

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