Powerful Language Swaps That Can Change Your Life


We all need a reminder of the power of language every once in a while. Don’t you agree?

We are creatures of habit. It’s way too easy to fall into less-desirable habits. That’s why it helps to pay attention to what language we are in the habit of using.

1. Notice what happens if you swap “I can’t” with “I won’t”

I can’t have coffee in the afternoon because it interferes with my sleep.

BECOMES: I won’t have coffee in the afternoon because it interferes with my sleep.

You just went from the “poor-me” mentality to the “empowered-me” mentality.

2. Notice what happens if you swap “I failed” with “I did an experiment”

I just messed up the excel calculations again! I’m a total failure at excel.

BECOMES: I’m experimenting with excel formulas.

You just took the pressure off yourself and acknowledged that you are capable of learning through experience.

3. Notice what happens if you swap “only” with “already”

I only did exercise once this week.

BECOMES: I already did exercise once this week.

You just shifted your focus from being inadequate to focusing on what you have accomplished.

4. Notice what happens if you throw in “yet” a little more often

This new software is driving me up the wall!

BECOMES: I haven’t quite figured out this software just yet.

You just created an expectation of ongoing improvement.

5. And, when you add in “up until now”

I always make the same mistake.

BECOMES: Up until now, I have always made the same mistake.

You just opened your mind to the possibility of changing.

By Ginny Santos, M.Sc in Creativity and Innovation, Neolé Inc.

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